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Found in Ancient Indian Scriptures and texts: From ancient times, the power of Holy Rudraksha beads have been scripted in various religious texts like ShivmahaPurana, Shreemaddevibhagwat, Padma Purana, ling Purana, Ashtamalikopnishad, Nirnayasindhoo, Mantramaharnava, Mahakaal Sanmhita, Rudrakshajabalopnishad, Vrihajjabalopnishad, Shivaswarodaya and Sarvollastantra.

As per ancient Indian scriptures mentioned above Rudraksha is evolved from the eyes of Lord Shiva hence, it’s called Rudraksha. Rudra means Shiva and Aksha means eyes. Aksha also means a group of alphabets in Sanskrit called (Varna). As per details found in Halayudh Kosha(Ancient Scripture) letters from A to ksha that is 51 letters are called Aksha . Therefore, Rudraksha can be called as a seed in which a group of Sanskrit letters called Varna reside.

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Found in Ancient Indian Scriptures and texts: From ancient times, the power of Holy Rudraksha beads have been scripted in various religious texts like ShivmahaPurana, Shreemaddevibhagwat, Padma Purana, ling Purana, Ashtamalikopnishad, Nirnayasindhoo, Mantramaharnava, Mahakaal Sanmhita, Rudrakshajabalopnishad, Vrihajjabalopnishad, Shivaswarodaya and Sarvollastantra.

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